The Antioch Movement has three key structures that help us connect up, in, and out. The role of the Huddle is to help us connect “in”. Mike Breen wrote, “If you make disciples, you will always get the church. But if you try to build the church, you will rarely get disciples.” The Huddle is the vehicle by which we grow as disciples.

A Huddle is a gathering of 3-4 individuals or couples for the purpose of growing in the character and competencies of Jesus. They are high invitation and high challenge groups. The goal of each Huddle is multiply. From the outset every person in the huddle knows that the goal is for them to lead their own huddle in the near future.

Huddles meet on average for 12-18 months. These groups intentionally press us forward and push us to deeper growth as followers of Jesus and create the environment for exponential sending.



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